Wednesday, February 8, 2012

On the Road Again...

Yeeee haw! We're off on an adventure. Ohhh, how I love an adventure.

Sweet Julia has planned one heck of a birthday month for me...and it all begins today! In a rental car! I never knew I could be so excited to be in a rental car...guess I've gotten quite good at enjoying the simple life we have here, and so driving our own car already feels like a luxury. (Plus it means we don't have to get on a public bus...amen.)

It's already been a damn fine birthday...waking up to the ocean and our sweet friends here in Montezuma have already showered me with breakfast pancakes!

Looking forward to a fun day of driving with my girl. Loving every minute.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Dad! Hope you've had the best birthday...wish I could be there with you for the requisite german chocolate cake!

For everything you do for me...from teaching me manners, to calling to check on me when it's snowing, to reminding me you'll always love me no matter're the best!

I love you, Dad.

We're Baaaaack...

Howdy. Been too long...way too long, but I'm happy to say we're back in action!

Yes, I realize that it's February. And I'm also aware of the fact that my last post included the phrase "Feliz Navidad”. That said, let’s just look ahead, shall we?

My sabbatical from the blogging world was a lovely one...but I’ll admit, I missed it. Now that I’ve officially submitted my graduate school applications, I figured it’s high time I got back to updating you fine folks on our lives down here in Central America.

After a damn fine Christmas and holiday season...being back is feelin’ mighty fine. I have so much to say and so many photos to post...that I don’t even know where to begin. It’s no surprise that I often find myself in such a conundrum, to anyone who’s heard me ramble on...

I really planned to update this blog over the weekend...but the best laid plans often get thrown out the window (especially when a big ol’ mason jar full of ice water falls on your keyboard...yes, I cussed. Loudly. And then I made myself be thankful that Caroline let me borrow one of her old computers...having a fall back never felt so good.)

So...gimme a sec and let me get some photos uploaded, and then, I’ll have more to say. Comin’ at ya...sure is good to be back.